Erasmus + Oportunități de mobilitate, UVT, Romania
În cadrul programului de mobilitate Erasmus+, acțiunea cheie KA1 Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat “Ion Creangă”anunță selecția pentru un doctorand3 luni, semestrul 2, 2018 -2019.
Domenii: Fashion Design, Arts, History and Archaeology, Linguistics, Psychology, Mathematics, Computer Science, Education Science
Dosarul de participare va include următoarele documente
- ID/ passport
3. Pre-acceptance document from the host university, confirming the existence of an academic supervisor for the duration of the Erasmus+ mobility
4. Bachelor diploma (original and copy)
5. Bachelor diploma supplement (original and copy)
6. Master’s diploma (original and copy)
8. Proof of registration as a doctoral student, issued by your home university, which confirms your level and year of study during the current academic year and the expected date of graduation (original and authorized);
9. Motivation letter
10. Declaration stating if you have carried out any Erasmus+ mobility before (if so, please mention the period of the mobility and the host institution).
- Dosarul va fi depus la departamentul Relații Internaționale și Managementul Proiectelor (bl. 2, birou 25). Termen limită – 15 noiembrie 2018. email de contact: