Erasmus + Oportunități de mobilitate, UVT, Romania

În cadrul programului de mobilitate Erasmus+, acțiunea cheie KA1 Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat “Ion Creangă”anunță selecția pentru un doctorand3 luni, semestrul 2, 2018 -2019.

Domenii: Fashion Design, Arts, History and Archaeology, Linguistics, Psychology, Mathematics, Computer Science, Education Science

Dosarul de participare va include următoarele documente

  1. ID/ passport
    3. Pre-acceptance document from the host university, confirming the existence of an academic supervisor for the duration of the Erasmus+ mobility
    4. Bachelor diploma (original and copy)
    5. Bachelor diploma supplement (original and copy)
    6. Master’s diploma (original and copy)
    8. Proof of registration as a doctoral student, issued by your home university, which confirms your level and year of study during the current academic year and the expected date of graduation (original and authorized);
    9. Motivation letter
    10. Declaration stating if you have carried out any Erasmus+ mobility before (if so, please mention the period of the mobility and the host institution).


  1. Dosarul va fi depus la departamentul Relații Internaționale și Managementul Proiectelor (bl. 2, birou 25). Termen limită – 15 noiembrie 2018. email de contact:

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