About university

  • The “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University of Chisinau was formed according to the decision of the Moldovan Government of 16 August 1940, initially called the Moldovan State Pedagogical Institute, which in 1955 was renamed the “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical Institute from Chisinau. In 1992, based on the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova no. 330 of May 21 “Regarding the reorganization of the university education system”, the Institute is reorganized in the “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University of Chisinau.

    In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of July 20, 1946, besides the Institute was formed aspirantry, which trained specialists in philology, history, mathematics, physics, botany, etc. In 1948, the Institute began training English and French specialists. In connection with the necessity of training of physical education teachers, the Faculty of Physical Culture was opened in 1949. In the year of training, the Institute consisted of five faculties: History and Philology, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Geography. In July 1941, the Institute was evacuated to the city of Cikalov, and in 1944 returned to the Republic with a contingent of 160 students and 20 teachers. The study began on December 1, 1944, with 458 students. The Teaching Staff of the Institute consisted of experienced cadres, scholars arriving from university centers in Iasi, Moscow, Bucharest, Rome, Kiev, Warsaw, Leningrad, etc.

    With all the difficulties of the first post-war period of restoration of the national economy, already in the academic year 1950 – 1951, the 7 faculties – Philology, History, Physics and Mathematics, Biology, Geography, Modern Languages ​​and Physical Culture – were studying 2368 students and 99 teachers, including 24 scientists, were active.

    Following the reorganization in higher education, in the mid-1950s, the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​was transferred to the Pedagogical Institute in Balti and that of the Natural Sciences and Geography Sciences – at the Pedagogical Institute in Tiraspol.

    In 1960 the Institute was disbanded and united with the State University. As a result of this measure, the material base of the Institute, with the three faculties – History, Philology, Physics and Mathematics, Physical Culture – was passed to the State University, and the primary school section – to the State Pedagogical Institute in Balti.

    In connection with the increase of the need for teachers with higher education, the Soviet of Ministers of the Republic of Moldova on 9 May 1967 adopted the Decision on the restoration of the Institute, consisting of three faculties: Physics and Mathematics, Philology, Physical Culture.

    In 1970, the Defectology specialty was opened, based on which, in 1973, the Faculty of Defectology was formed, which currently operates under the name of the Faculty of Special Psychology and Psychopedagogy. Also in the beginning of the 70’s began the training in the specialty History and Pedagogy, on which the Faculty of History and Geography was formed. In 1975, besides the Institute was opened the Faculty of Pre-University Education, which is currently active.

    In the early 80’s, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was re-profiled in the current Faculty of Fine Arts and Design. On September 1, 1985, the Faculty of Pedagogy started its activity in order to prepare teachers for primary and pedagogical institutions for pre-school institutions.

    In 1993, he began the training of teachers at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures, which currently has over 1,000 students in English, German, French and Italian.

    Today, the “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University gathers eight faculties. During the last ten years of activity, the University has considerably widened its teacher training profile, renewed the nomenclature of specialties and revised the curricula. The faculties of the University prepare teachers for over 40 specialties. The University has highly qualified teaching and scientific staff. At present, the university’s 25 departments operate 17 university professors, 14 habilitates, 124 doctors in science, 104 university lecturers. More than 6,000 students attend the faculties of the University. The University has trained more than 32,000 senior teachers. More than 100 university graduates were named as the “Emeritus Teacher of the Republic”. The contribution of U. S. S. “Ion Creanga” is invaluable not only in the training of teachers of different specialties; University graduates are scientists and culture, politicians, writers, world-renowned scholars, outstanding personalities. The pride of the University is: academics Boris Melnic, Boris Mateenco, Petru Soltan, Haralambie Corbu; The writers Grigore Vieru, Spiridon Vangheli, Vasile Vasilache, Victor Teleuca, Gheorghe Voda, Andrei Strâmbeanu, Ion Hadârcă and others.

    Parallel to the training, the University also carries out extensive scientific work. During the last years of studies, scientific collaboration relations have been established with a number of university centers abroad: with universities from Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca, Constanta, Galati, Dusseldorf, Montana, Velico- Tirnova (Sofia), Ankara and other universities in England, the Netherlands

  • “It is said that a people can have an active role in civilization only after they are constituted as a nation, producing their great patrimony through the strongest and most original personalities. True personalities are formed through education, by forming attitude towards their own people, but also towards universal values, because by their attitude towards the world, we show who we are.

    Nicolae Chicuș, Rectorul U.P.S. “Ion Creangă” din Chișinău

    Nicolae Chicuş, Rector of U.P.S. “Ion Creangă” from Chisinau

    At the present stage, when society passes through a difficult period, there is only one way to overcome it: raising the level of culture, enlightening the people by knowing scientific truth, returning to authentic spiritual values, rebirth of true national dignity, knowledge, promotion of national values, In fact, the democratization of our society.

    In this context, I address first of all to our students, but also to the academic community, in general: to study all of us to build ourselves, to treat indifference and spiritual laziness, to take into account the soul of the people who is the only reservoir Of creative deeds, to preserve the veracity and honesty inherited from our ancestors, promoting truth, beauty, good. There can be no art, politics, and intellectual craft without bravery, without tenacity and intelligence.

    There is much talk about European integration, world integration. Acquisition of universal values ​​is possible only by preserving and capitalizing on the national specificity. You can not love the world if you do not love your own people, traditions, customs, culture. But, as Mihail Sadoveanu states, “The land is not served with declarations of love, but with honest work and, if necessary, with sacrifice … It does not mean hatred against other nations, but a duty to our people … Honest work, pure life, Seeds, the fulfillment of our debts – that is, the deeds – these are patriotism, not empty words.

    This is why the “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University of Chisinau remains one of the most prestigious educational institutions, an important piece of the history of our nation, because it remained faithful to the same principles. We can not secure a future except by educating the younger generations, who must remember that nothing is more complete and perfect than history, and our country is all of us and more: it is all the terrible debt that comes From those who founded it, as Nicolae Iorga says. It is more than a belief, is what society needs at the current stage for what our teachers and students will continue to advocate. ”

    Nicolae Chicuș, doctor, profesor universitar,
    Rectorul Universității Pedagogice de Stat “Ion Creangă”

  • The “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University of Chisinau is a higher education institution aiming at the initial and continuous higher education of specialists in the fields of Education Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, Arts, Exact Sciences and Social Assistance, ensuring Their professional qualifications on the labor market, as well as in the development of the scientific research activity and the valorisation of its results.

    The strategic plan of UPS “Ion Creangă” is elaborated in accordance with the provisions of ongoing reforms in the national and European education system, aiming to achieve the mission of the university: teachers’ pedagogical training and innovation of education sciences through inter- and transdisciplinary research .


    In order to achieve the assumed mission, it is necessary to consolidate and improve some general institutional values:

    Quality – supporting a culture of quality in all functional subdivisions of the university and in all areas of vocational training.

    Cooperation and communication – within the institution, national, regional and international interinstitutional.

    Integrity – honesty in all the activities of the members of the academic community;

    Excellency – a point of reference in everything the University undertakes and promotes.

    Flexibility – by applying different methods and means to achieve individual and institutional programs;

    Creativity – providing solutions, including alternatives for the purpose of developing and promoting the institution;

    Lifelong learning – for all university teachers.

    In order to achieve the classical functions of the university (didactic and research), the strategic plan for the period 2012 – 2015 of the “Ion Creangă” UPS from Chisinau is oriented towards the following priority directions:

    • asserting organizational culture, image and institutional identity of UPSC and specializing graduates in professions recognized in the labor market;
    • curricular construction and development for pedagogical higher education;
    • optimizing the quality of the educational process;
    • resizing scientific research, wide openness to social expectations; The development of new scientific knowledge, the formation of new professional skills;
    • developing an educational marketing to promote undergraduate, masters, doctoral and in-service programs of the university;
    • ensuring the mobility of students and academics through institutional, national, regional, international programs;
    • changes in the design of institutional financial policy;
    • creating and validating new performance indicators for teaching staff;

  • The coat of arms and the flag represent the most significant values of UPS “Ion Creangă”, constituting the distinct identity, expressing the history, mission and major objectives of the institution.

    The “Disce ut doceas” (“Learn to teach others”) chosen by the University’s “Ion Creangă” UPS staff expresses the belief of the faculty, students and graduates of the University.

    Stema UPS „Ion Creangă”

    The coat of arms UPS „Ion Creangă”

    The coat of arms

    On the blue, an old apple tree branch set in the bar, with the top down, gold, blooming with silver, and accompanied in the free field by a golden golden eagle sitting on a silver card.

    Shield shielded by a black university beret with gold tassels.

    Devise, in black letters on a golden ribbon: “Disce ut doceas” (“Learn to teach others”).

    Drapelul UPS „Ion Creangă”

    The Flag of the  UPS „Ion Creangă”

    The flag has been elaborated on the basis of the coat of arms, in the traditional formula for the university flags of the Republic of Moldova.

    The Flag of the “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University in Chisinau is a rectangular (2: 3) white canvas with the centerpiece of the University.

    The White Flag of the University Flag, besides the heraldic meanings already shown, is also the white of the paper tab on which the knowledge is fixed to be perpetuated

  • Honorary titles

    Honorary degrees are awarded to personalities who recognize and respect the values assumed and promoted by the State Pedagogical State “I. Creangă “and contributes substantially to the achievement of its mission and strategy. Honorary degrees may be awarded at the proposal of faculty councils and at the proposal of the Board of Directors, made by the Rector or Vice Rectors.

    DOCTOR  HONORIS  CAUSA al Universității Pedagogice de Stat „I. Creangă”



    Titlul de DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA al Universităţii Pedagogice de Stat „Ion Creangă” din Chişinău se acordă unor personalități din afara Universităţii, recunoscute la nivel internaţional pentru rezultatele remarcabile obţinute în domeniul de activitate şi celor care au contribuit la dezvoltarea cunoaşterii, culturii şi spiritualităţii lumii contemporane şi la afirmarea libertăţii şi a demnităţii umane.

    PROFESOR  DE  ONOARE al Universității Pedagogice de Stat „I. Creangă”



    Titlul de PROFESOR DE ONOARE al Universităţii Pedagogice de Stat „Ion Creangă” din Chişinău se acordă unor profesori de prestigiu din afara Universităţii, care au contribuit la dezvoltarea activităţilor didactice şi de cercetare din Universitate, precum şi la stabilirea unor colaborări importante între Universitate şi instituţii partenere din străinătate.



    PROFESOR  EMERITUS al Universității Pedagogice de Stat „I. Creangă”

    Titlul de PROFESSOR EMERITUS al Universităţii Pedagogice de Stat „Ion Creangă” din Chişinău se acordă profesorilor Universităţii, la pensionare, pentru realizări deosebite în activitatea didactică şi de cercetare, recunoscute de mediul academic naţional şi internaţional.

    Regulamentul de acordare a titlurilor onorifice

    Medalie UPS „Ion Creangă”

    Medalie UPS „Ion Creangă”

    Medalia ,,Ion Creangă” a Universității Pedagogice de Stat ,,I. Creangă” este un însemn faleristic corporativ public și se conferă angajaților, studenților și altor personalități notorii din țară și de peste hotare, în semn de recunoștință și apreciere a meritelor deosebite în domeniile educațional, științific sau în alte domenii ale vieții publice.

    Regulamentul cu privire la conferirea Medaliei ,,Ion Creangă” a Universității Pedagogice de Stat ,,Ion Creangă” din Chișinău